Monday 17 February 2014

Exotic Fruits In Brunei Darussalam

Why should we eat fruits? What is the benefit of it? Below will tell you why you should eat fruits


Brunei fruits form an essential part in the staple diet of the country. The year-round tropical climate of the country supports the growth of wide various of fruit & vegetables in Brunei. The non-seasonal fruits of Brunei are bananas, pineapples, papayas and watermelons whereas the seasonal fruits include durian, tarap, chempedak, rambutan, beluna, langsat, membangan and asam aur-aur. Sweet tropical fruits (such as mango, membangan,  papaya, watermelon, durian, kembayau, Brunei cherry, and rambutan – like lychee) are beloved throughout Brunei.

 Fruits are natural source of energy and give the body many nutrients you need to keep going. It contains essential vitamin, minerals and fibre, that is important to our daily diet. The daily intake of fruits high in fibre help ease bowel movement and prevent constipation.

Here are some example of fruits in Brunei, Quite Exotic & Famous one :

 Do you recoognize this fruit at the left hand side? Im sure you didnt by just looking from its outer layer.

The right side is what it looks like after it was peeled off from its outer layer into zebra-stripes like pattern ; yellow and dark purple. What Fruit is it? It is Kembayau (Canarium Odonthophyllum) which mainly found in Borneo island, particularyly in Brunei Darussalam itself. Drop by to Brunei’s local night market such as in Gadong night market, wide varieties of fruits and vegetebales can be found. Fruits and vegetables that you know of and those you hardly heard of, which includes Kembayau. Kembayau grows seasonally. Thus it can be found during its season time only but however, it could also be rarely found during its season time which can make the price of the Kembayau sold in market to rose up unreasonably since it is limited. Despite about the rarity and price, it’s a quality fruits that have yellowish appearance with outer layer of dark purple skin. 

Commonly Bruneian People pour hot boiled water into a bowl of peeled Kembayau (Canarium Odonthophyllum), with a bit of salt to put in more taste into it and cover the bowl with lid. Then let it soaked to soften the inner layer between its skin and seeds (mesocarp) for 5-10 minutes or more to ensure its soft to be served and eaten. After tasting it for couple of times, some people will described it as a potatoish-flavor and also “lamak” in Bruneian’s word. The seed containing whitish compressed cotyledon can also be eaten

Other people tend to have other ways of serving the Kembayau (Canarium Odonthophyllum) more creative. For example remove the soaked edible potion of the Kembayau from its seed and smashed with tomato, garlic, chilli and lime with a bit of salt and sugar. Its ready to be serve as Sambal Kembayau. Try it out!


Durian is packed with proteins, minerals and antioxidants and other phytonutrients that it can be a full meal by itself. Brunei has varieties of them; Durian pulu, durian kuning, durian otak udang and few more. Durian is a seasonal fruits that only available typically from June to August and prices of durians are relatively high as compared with other fruits. Durian is also regarded by people as 'king of fruits'. the durian is characteristic for its large size, strong odour, and forceful thorn-covered husk. Durian can grow as large as 15cm diameter and 30cm long, weight between 1-5 kg.

 The unusual flavour and odour of the durian fruits produced a number of different opinions among people, some express good while some disgust with the smell. Durian fruit is also used to flavour a wide variety of sweet edibles such as traditional Malay candy, ice cream and etc.


 Here is example how durian was used for variety of sweet edibless =DD

Other Brunei Local Fruits such as :

Buah Tampoi(Rare Fruit)
Buah Mambangan(Rare Fruits)

buah rambutan(all time favouritess)

                                                   How To Open Durian Easy Way ;

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